Myths and Truths about Down Syndrome

How does society view Down Syndrome?

Deciding Not to Screen for Down Syndrome

This is an article written by a mother who has three children, one diagnosed with Down Syndrome. She identifies that there are social and medical system biases towards people with DS and families who choose not to select genetic testing during the first 11 weeks of pregnancy.

Dad aims to change views of Down syndrome in new book

Article on a father who wrote a book about his family's experiences dealing with the world after being diagnosed with Down Syndrome.

Don't label people with Down syndrome

Article written by a father who advocates for the equal treatment of all people, including people with DS and the need to reverse the use of the word, "retard" when referring to people with intellectual disabilities.

These articles point to a need to transform what society perceives Down Syndrome to be and to provide education and support to the dominant culture, the medical profession, and couples who are thinking of having children.
Here are some myths and truths about Down Syndrome from the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS)

Myths & Truths - National Down Syndrome Society

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